Looking Back — and Forward — to experience: LIAISON in Anaheim and San Antonio
Where does the time go… and what does the future hold?
I can’t answer the first question, but I have a few timely thoughts I’d like to offer about the second.
Although only a few months have passed since we last convened our annual gathering of higher education leaders and practitioners at experience: LIAISON | Anaheim, we’re already in the process of making sure next year’s event — experience: LIAISON | San Antonio — will continue our longstanding tradition of fostering action-oriented collaboration and innovation. As was the case this summer, we’ll be facilitating the exchange of fresh ideas about strategies and technology that have the power to unite, inspire, and elevate the entire higher education community.
Looking back at the conversations we had in Anaheim, it was clear that developments such as artificial intelligence and machine learning will remain at the forefront of efforts to push the frontiers of higher ed into new directions, and that Liaison will be there to help you understand how best to use them. Data-modeling and forecasting tools, for example, are now indispensable resources for understanding the effectiveness of your institution’s efforts to shape a future that applicants will be truly excited to experience.
But it was also clear from listening to speakers and attendees that the practical, tactical challenges facing those of us daily in the world of higher ed enrollment management are still top of mind. What, then, continues to fuel our optimism about the future of higher education? My simple answer is, “the power of our community.”

What is the power of community?
The power of our community lies in the ability of its many stakeholders to focus jointly on helping our institutions achieve their full potential, whether that includes goals as lofty as making the world a more just and equitable place or as pragmatic as improving enrollment and retention numbers.

The American philosopher Josiah Royce suggested that community is the most important element of human life. In his view, the key elements of an effective community are shared memory, a shared sense of values, and shared vision of the future. I’m inclined to agree. In fact, I would go so far as to argue that each experience: LIAISON conference I’ve attended has met Royce’s definition. Our sessions focus on what’s been happening (memory), the challenges of the current environment (values), and how to move forward (vision). I also believe our vision of the future—and our ability to overcome future disruption together—is what should give everyone in higher education the strength and hope we need in order to persevere and thrive.
After more than 20 years of working with colleges and universities from every discipline and every state in the country, I know that disruption, when harnessed, can lead to progress. But it’s up to us to continue building a better future together, which is exactly what we plan to do in June 2025 at experience: LIAISON | San Antonio.
What are your thoughts? We’re currently accepting proposals for speaking sessions until November 17, and we’d love to hear from you. Please learn more about this unique opportunity here!

Written by Stephen Taylor, Vice President, Graduate Enrollment Strategy at Liaison. With over 20 years of experience leading and supporting large grad teams and a leadership philosophy focused on culture building, Stephen brings a unique perspective to the trends shaping higher education.