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1. Post-secondary programs drive access
Georgia is home to seven Inclusive Post-Secondary Education programs that offer access to higher ed to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Marietta Daily Journal has more on how Georgia colleges and universities are supporting these students.

2. The latest on admissions trends
Top ranked public colleges are showing three main trends in admissions this year: (1) More students are applying, but acceptance rates are dropping. (2) SAT scores continue to rise among incoming freshman, and (3) despite the two previous trends, the percentage of freshman needing financial aid hasn’t changed much. U.S. News and World Report shares what else they’ve uncovered in the data they’ve reviewed for their ranking.
3. Building a truly diverse class
Data shows that a small share of students regularly talk with those who hold different political views. Warren Wilson College wants to change that: “There is no need for us to apologize for being a place known as welcoming to LGBT students, or concerned about human rights or sustainability,’ the new President Lynn M. Morton told Inside Higher Ed. “But we should broaden our appeal to those with all kinds of worldviews.
4. Do this year’s higher SAT scores mean anything?
Comparing last year’s SAT scores to this year’s is like comparing apples and oranges. In fact, the former and current versions of the standardized test differ so greatly that some schools are considering making the test optional in response.
Recommended Reading
Generation Z Goes to College
Moving from Millennials to Generation Z is forcing admissions offices to change tactics once again. The first step is learning the difference between the two and Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace bring those details front and center to help admissions professionals learn the most about how to adapt. Just as each generation brings their own unique characteristics, higher education needs to take the time to design the most effective learning environment for them.