1. Sometimes, there’s pizza along the path to admissions.
What better example to show the human side of admissions than an offer that includes the note: “I laughed so hard on your pizza essay. I kept thinking that you are the kind of person that I would love to be best friends with.”? The Washington Post covers how a prospective students’ eloquent account of her love for Papa John’s helped her get an Ivy League admissions offer.

2. What worries first-gen students?
The New York Times recently invited five first-generation journalism students to get down to it. Read the answers about how they handle their concerns about getting an education straight from the source in this article.
3. Getting a job after college is looking more promising.
Employers are expected to hire five percent more recent college graduates this year, reports Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. This is good news when you consider the rising cost of tuition leaving some prospective students wondering if the traditional path is worth it in the end.
4. DACA students getting more attention a good thing?
One positive consequence of illegal immigrants and their families being in the news a lot more recently — colleges are more aware of their needs and developing plans to help meet them. Take, for instance, Rutgers University-Camden’s upcoming session on the college application process for DACA or otherwise undocumented students and their families, which Campus Reform details in a recent post.
Recommended Reading
Demographic and Enrollment Characteristics of Nontraditional Undergraduates: 2011-12
Do they have a copy at your local library? Probably not because it’s on the Web.
“What makes a student ‘traditional’ or ‘nontraditional,’” asks the U.S. Department of Education’s September 2015 report about the changing demographics of college classes. This report answers this question with specific data about the characteristics of this group, something top of mind at Liaison as we work with the Common App to develop an application that better meets this diverse group of students’ needs.