
Beyond the Basics: 5 Ways to Dig Deeper With WedAdMIT™ (Level 2 Training)

RJ Nichol
Nov 7, 2019

At the most basic level, WedAdMIT™ — Liaison’s online application management software — is a tool that allows you to customize the experience students have when they use a Liaison-powered Centralized Application Service (CAS™) to research and apply to your institution.

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. With just a small investment of time, you can also learn how to collect additional data that’s not in the original application, manage applicant reviews, score applications and begin using some of WebAdMIT’s more advanced data exporting features.

To ensure that you’re making the most of WebAdMIT, keep the following five strategies in mind.

#1: Collect additional data

When you need to collect additional information from a prospective student after an application has been submitted, WebAdMIT makes it easy by giving you several options. You can:

  • Add custom fields to the “Applicant Details Page” of the CAS at any point during the application process. Custom fields can appear as text boxes, drop-down lists or even pop-up calendars. Like the other information collected from applicants, this data is easily exported.
  • Track requirements internally to make sure students are aware when they need to complete tasks or deliver additional material after submitting their original applications.

#2: Customize GPAs

The GPA attached to a student’s application may not tell the exact story you need to hear about that applicant. It’s quite possible that the overall GPA reflects performance  — good or bad — in courses that may have little bearing on a student’s ability to thrive in your program.

To help you develop more meaningful insights into applicants’ academic performance, WebAdMIT allows you to configure a so-called “Local GPA” that takes into account only the coursework criteria you deem important, such as exact course subjects, classifications, academic years and course hours.

#3: Improve applicant reviews

WebAdMIT’s “Assignments” feature lets you create a forum for assigning applicants to individual reviewers, and for those reviewers to record their results.

Depending on the level of permissions you assign to reviewers, WebAdMIT users can:

  • See other reviewers’ assignment results.
  • Edit or delete their own assignments.
  • Export assignment data.
  • Filter through the applicant pool for specific assignment-related items.

 #4: Enhance the interview process

WebAdMIT also simplifies and manages the interview process by allowing users to schedule and track interviews as well as document every aspect of them. Users can then search those results on WebAdMIT using interview-related filters in order to quickly zero in on specific types of applicants within their overall pools. As with the system’s review tools, each user’s level of access to the interview resources is determined by the assigned permissions.

#5: Score and rank wisely

Does a nuanced analysis of data drive your scoring and ranking methodologies? It should. WebAdMIT lets you create as many unique scoring models as you’d like and then further customize your strategies for using scores. Creating score-based lists, exports and reports for ranking purposes is easy.

Keep in mind, too, that WebAdMIT also allows you to:

  • Understand how your programs are performing in real time.
  • Benchmark and compare programs across your institution.
  • Forecast and model enrollment trends.
  • Gain competitive insight.
  • Respond to state or national surveys, accreditation agency requests and internal constituent inquiries with meaningful data.

To learn more about making the most of a CAS by taking full advantage of WebAdMIT — and to see examples of WebAdMIT in action — add the on-demand WebAdMIT Level 2 Training to your personalized Liaison Academy learning plan. 


RJ Nichol

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Over the last three decades, Liaison has helped over 40,000 programs on more than 1,200 campuses more effectively manage admissions through its Centralized Application Service (CAS™) technology and complementary application processing and support services. The higher education technology leader supports its partner institutions’ total enrollment goals by pairing CAS with its Enrollment Marketing (EM) platform as well as the recently acquired TargetX (CRM) and advanced analytics software Othot.